3 Critical Dietary Treatment Strategies for IBS Patients

Posted on: 26 April 2021

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder with many uncomfortable symptoms. They can range from diarrhea and constipation to abdominal cramps and pain. However, just because you frequently experience abdominal pains does not mean that you suffer from IBS. Although medical intervention can help with IBS management, specific dietary strategies can help improve some of the most uncomfortable symptoms, guaranteeing a healthy life. This article highlights dietary approaches every IBS patient must consider.

High-Fibre Diet The average adult needs about 25-30 grams of fibre every day to lead a healthy lifestyle. While it might seem simple, you will be surprised that most people do not even eat half the recommended amount. A fibre-rich diet is essential for people with IBS who experience constant diarrhea. The reason is that fibre adds bulk to stool, helping with comfortable bowel movement. A fibre-rich diet includes fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which should ease your constipation and diarrhea. However, IBS patients need to choose their fibres carefully, particularly if they suffer from bloating. Soluble fibres, such as fruits and vegetables, are a safe bet since they readily dissolve during digestion.

Low FODMAP Diet  — Simply put, FODMAPs are a group of carbohydrates not easily digested in the intestines. Thus, FODMAPs tend to draw water from into the bowel, leading to more gas, constipation and bloating. Therefore, if you suffer from IBS and eat foods such as mushrooms, cheese, legumes, cauliflower and white-based bread, you need to immediately remove them from your diet. However, note that all carbs are not FODMAPs; therefore, the best approach is to eliminate the wrong carbs from your diet for the best results. Alternatively, you can temporarily restrict or limit your intake of FODMAP foods for a few weeks to improve your IBS symptoms.

Low-Fat Diet — Diets high in fats contribute significantly towards conditions such as obesity and high blood pressure. For IBS patients, a high-fat diet is a no-go zone because it exacerbates the condition. Food high in fat content is generally low in fibre and does a poor job at binding stool. Moreover, excess consumption of fats worsens bloating, one of the most uncomfortable symptoms in IBS patients. Notably, it is impractical to eliminate all fats from your diet just to combat IBS. However, IBS patients can make minor modifications to ensure that they only consume healthy fats from vegetable oils and certain fruits such as avocado.

Contact a company that provides IBS treatment for more information. 


Staying Healthy in Old Age

Hello, my name is Maggie and I live in Queensland, Australia. When I was younger, I was always as fit as a fiddle. I would run marathons and go swimming in the sea. However, as I got older, I started to notice that I couldn't quite do what I used to. I started to get aches and pains in my back whenever I tried to exercise. My friend suggested I see the doctor and he sent me to the local health care clinic. The specialist there was able to identify the problem and he provided some fantastic treatment. He also gave me some great advice about staying healthy in old age, so I decided to start this blog.


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